After you have a tooth pulled, you should follow all of the aftercare instructions that our Torrance, California dentist went over with you. Doing so will help ensure that you have a speedy recovery and decrease your chances of suffering from a dry socket.
What Is A Dry Socket?
When pulling a tooth, its roots are removed from the jawbone that held them in place. As a result, you’re left with an opening where the roots were, which is known as the socket.
Soon after having a tooth pulled, your body typically forms a blood clot in the socket that covers the area to serve as protection and insulation.
At times, the blood clot never forms properly or it becomes dislodged, which is a condition known as a dry socket. A dry socket is basically exposed bone and is both vulnerable and very sensitive to temperatures, and even the feel of air touching it can cause excruciating pain.
Preventing A Dry Socket
To prevent a dry socket, you should follow these instructions:
- No Smoking
- For a minimum of 24 hours after your extraction you should avoid smoking or vaping.
- No spitting
- Spitting causes the same suction motion in your mouth as smoking does. This physical action should be avoided because it can dislodge the blood clot.
- What Not to Drink
- Avoid drinking carbonated beverages, hot drinks like coffee, and alcoholic beverages.
- How Not to Drink
- Don’t drink through a straw because the suction can cause the blood clot to pull out of the socket.
Tooth Extractions in Torrance, CA
To learn more about dry sockets and comfortable tooth extractions, call Torrance Oral Surgery Center in California.
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23451 Madison St #120
Torrance, CA 90505
Phone: (310) 373-0667
Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM