Getting dental implants can range from a simple, streamlined procedure to a more involved oral surgery. It all depends on what type of care you need. For most people, getting a few dental implants is a relatively straightforward, easy-to-recover-from process.
For the first day or two after your dental implant placement, treat those areas delicately. It’s common to feel a little irritation in your gums, because of the small opening that was created. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever if you like, but you might not even need one. Try not to chew on that area as the gum heals. Avoid things like carbonated beverages, alcohol, drinking through a straw, or hard-textured foods.
If you’re undergoing full mouth rehabilitation where all of your teeth are being replaced with dental implants, the recovery might take a little longer. We might even prescribe a pain reliever to ensure you’re comfortable as your gums heal. Fortunately, the bone that the implants are set into doesn’t have the same pain receptors as what your gums do. So even if you do have a little discomfort, it should be kept to a minimum.
As your gums heal and the bone integrates, we’ll have you wear an interim restoration to protect the gums underneath. Once your implants are fully integrated, we’ll fit you with a permanently affixed prosthesis. From there, it’s like having a whole set of natural teeth all over again. You can eat whatever you like and care for them as you would any other teeth.
Are dental implants right for you? Call Torrance Oral Surgery and Dental Implant Center today to find out.
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23451 Madison St #120
Torrance, CA 90505
Phone: (310) 373-0667
Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM